Celebration Bermudasod
Sod Busters, Inc. is pleased to introduce Celebration Bermudasod, a hybrid cultivar of Bermuda, chosen specifically for its dark blue-green color, low growing habit, adaptability to light-moderate shade, excellent drought tolerance and ability to reduce production costs while demonstrating desirable growth.
Bermudasod is an Australian Breed developed by renowned turfsod breeder Rod Riley that offers specifiers, landscapers, golf course designers, sportsturf managers and homeowners exceptional performance across a wide spectrum of applications.
Celebration requires less mowing than typical bermudasod varieties and has tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots that provide excellent sod strength, wearability, and improved drought tolerance. This variety has been adopted for use at the famed Augusta National Golf Club for use on tee slopes and areas of slight shade where Tifton 419 will not survive.
Tifton 419 is an improved hybrid Bermuda developed from the famed Tifton, Georgia turf-breeding program. Tifton forms a fine textured, dense hybrid Bermuda turf that excels in high traffic areas or under athletic field conditions. It is more aggressive than Tifgreen and holds its color longer going into the winter months.
Tifton performs at its best in full sun with a mowing height of 1/2-3/4 inches. When fully established, it has excellent drought and heat tolerance and will recover quickly from abuse or neglect. Tifton 419 is recommended for full sun turfsod areas with high traffic and heavy use conditions. It is best utilized on well maintained athletic fields and golf fairways and tees.
When properly maintained, Tifton 419 is both heat and drought tolerant and can withstand temperatures in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Tifton 419 is the most wear tolerant of the hybrid Bermudas and recovers quickly from damage during the growing season.